The Essentials of Management
Course Information
1 Day Course
Fee: $600 (before GST)
Time: 9am – 5pm
Contact: [email protected]
Venue: Hotel (near MRT)
- Tea breaks and buffet lunch will be served. Car parking coupons are available upon request.
- For 3 pax and above, 10% discount across the board

Course Introduction
“With this knowledge & training at your fingertips, you have your Management skills all organized.”
The Essentials of Management covers all the major management core subjects with different tried and tested activities. This workshop will give new managers practice in the core skills and at the same time remind senior and experienced managers that the ‘essentials’ are vital to performance and do need to be practiced.
Learning Outcome
- Impart essential decision making skills
- Learn about the art of delegation
- Improve your feedback skills
- Learn how to manage meetings effectively
- Learn how to create an effective development plan
Who Should Attend
This workshop is essential for all Team Leaders, Supervisors, Executives, Managers, and other responsible staff.
Course Outlines
Topic 1: What are the Essentials of Management?
To identify how participants rate themselves in key areas of management, and to help them prepare a self-development plan to improve their competence as managers.
Topic 2: Oriented to the Future
To help participants identify the key aspects of their work, and to devise objectives that enable them to get results that reflect the priorities of their team and organization.
Topic 3: Planning for the Future
To introduce participants to the benefits they will gain from planning in order to achieve their major work objectives. To give them an opportunity to learn and develop the skills associated with a popular planning technique, the Gantt chart.
Topic 4: Decision Making
To introduce participants to a systematic approach to reaching decisions that will enable them to make a choice of an appropriate solution from a number of alternatives. To provide them with an opportunity to practice and develop the approach using a work-related decision.
Topic 5: Managing Time and Delegation
To introduce participants to the techniques and give them the opportunity to develop the skills required to managers their time and delegate effectively in order to achieve their work priorities.
Topic 6: Recruiting and Selecting
To demonstrate that effective selection relies on developing a person specification as the basic for structuring a selection interview to assess who is the best person for the job. The activity provides an opportunity to develop both the skills involved in writing a person specification and to then test its effectiveness in an interview.
Topic 7: On the Job training
To introduce the participants to the preparation required, and the stages involved in conducting an effective on-the-job training session. To give them the opportunity to identify their skills and development needs in putting the approach into action.
Topic 8: Leadership
To introduce participants to the essential ingredients for developing an effective leadership style. To give them the opportunity to rate their current levels of leadership and to identify ways they can develop these qualities.
Topic 9: Motivating your Team
To enable participants to understand what is involved in motivating individuals at work. To help them identify which current methods they rate as most effective and to assist them in developing action plans to increase future motivation and job satisfaction for themselves and their team.
Topic 10: Feedback Skills
To introduce participants to the skills required to give and receive feedback.
Topic 11: Managing Assertively
To increase participants’ confidence and effectiveness in their managerial role by introducing them to an approach to communication that will increase their chances of reaching a successful outcome
Topic 12: Face to Face Communication Skills
To introduce participants to the essential skills they need to carry out effective face-to-face discussions. To give them the opportunity to practice and develop those skills.
Topic 13: Written Communication
To enable participants to express themselves clearly when writing at work.
Topic 14: Managing Meetings
To enable participants to improve the decision-making process of their meeting in order to make them more effective.
Topic 15: Managing Budgets
To introduce participants to some of the key concepts and techniques needed to successfully manage a budget.
Topic 16: Solving Problems Together
To introduce participants to a counseling skills approach to resolving problems that affects their staff at work. To enable them to identify and develop the skills required to run effective joint problem-solving discussions.
Topic 17: Performance Appraisal
To introduce participants to the structure and skills required to carry out formal and informal performance appraisal interviews.
Topic 18: Customer Care
To introduce participants to the concepts that underpin offering an effective, high-quality service to their customers. To give them the opportunity to review how their sections currently handle customers and identify plans for improving customer care.
Topic 19: Managing Change
To enable participants to identify the components of managing change effectively. To give them an opportunity to devise an action plan for introducing change into their own organization.
Topic 20: Continuing Professional Development
To encourage participants to take responsibility for their own development as managers. To take them through the steps required to produce an effective development plan.