A powerful solution to avoid costly disruptions
D&B Risk Analytics enables you to monitor an extensive assortment of risk incidents, including those reported in global and regional markets, government and private databases, and corporate information.
This cloud-based solution leverages Dun & Bradstreet’s best-in-class supplier risk data to help drive informed decisions and unprecedented visibility throughout all third-party relationship lifecycles.
Supplier Intelligence for a new era of business resilience
Utilising the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud – D&B Risk Analytics allows you to screen suppliers, actively monitor risk changes, radically streamline your reporting process, and drive operational efficiency through automation.
D&B Risk Analytics is one of the very few solutions on the market today that provides comprehensive, continuously updated data integrated into software to help you manage supplier risk.
Monitoring and Alerts
Sanctions Screening
Reporting and Analysis
Powered by the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud
Featuring Dun & Bradstreet's proprietary predictive scores and ratings
D&B Supplier Evaluation Risk™
Likelihood of a supplier ceasing operations without payment creditors in full or obtain relief from creditors over the next 12 months.
D&B Supplier Stability Indicator™
Predicts the likelihood that a supplier will file for bankruptcy, cease operations or become inactive over the next 3 months.
D&B Paydex®
Unique monetarily-weighted numerical indicator of how a firm has paid its creditors.
D&B Rating®
Provides an indication of credit worthiness in two parts:
- Financial Strength
- Risk Indicator
D&B Failure Score®
Predicts the likelihood that a business will voluntarily withdraw from business operation and leave unpaid obligations over the next 12 months based on information in the Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud.
Service Highlights
Comprehensive view of your supplier portfolio risk performance segmented by risk scores, events, and other indicators.
This customisable dashboard displays graphs, charts, and relevant reports- making high level reporting and analysis quick and easy.
Portfolio Dashboard

Third Party Summary Page

Risk Analytics Supplier Intelligence

Start Your Supplier Risk Analytics Journey
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