Master Data Analytics

Business Intelligence
and Analytics

Data Analytics deliver deep insights and understanding of your data to make sensible business decisions. Analytics has the potential to unearth a wealth of growth opportunities that were previously untapped or underserved.

Often, businesses understand the importance of data analytics but lack the resources or the right counsel to integrate analytics in their organisation. Explore how data can help grow your business.

Data Blocks
Revolutionising how databases are acquired
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Predictive Analytics
Predict the future through history
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Data Cleansing
How can you improve the data quality of your database?
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Restricted Party Screening
Politically Exposed Person (PEP) are abundant.
Have you done sufficient regulatory checks?
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Data Cleanse

Data ages quickly quickly .

Every year, up to 40% of the data in a database expires – firms move locations, merge and are acquired, point-of-contacts change and many more. A contaminated database can easily cost thousands of dollars a year, wasting marketing money and sales time.

Rationalise, deduplicate, update and upkeep your data with our Data Cleanse.

Quality Data

A clean and enriched database means top quality information about your customers, suppliers and prospects.

Seamless Integration

No more manual work - get updates to your database automatically. All our data can be linked to the most commonly used CRMs or ERPs.

Consistent & up to date

One accurate and complete data truth about your customers, suppliers and prospects in all your systems.

Pertinent data

Data can get overwhelming - getting dumped with the entire database will not be practical. Customise and obtain only the relevant data you want to get.

Data Warehouse

Store disparate data from multiple sources to guide management decisions

A data warehouse stores, collects and converts your data from a variety of sources into a consistent format and made available to end-users across the organisation in a shared platform. A uniform format ensures that the data is easily understood and ideal for ad-hoc analysis.
Transform your hoarded data into valuable insights.

A sole data house enables easy relocation and sharing of data.

Herd data from multiple source systems into a single location.

Uniform data structure facilities consistent and accurate analysis.

Effortless data management as data is automatically converted and channelled.

Where the magic happens

Extract, transform and load (ETL) process

Dun & Bradstreet Singapore - Extract, Transform and Load Data


Extracting the Data

Data is extracted from their sources into a staging area.



Converting the Data

Data is converted into a
consistent format and structure.



Loading the Data

Converted data is loaded into a dimensional database.



Building Summary Values

Develop pre-calculated summary values to speed up report generation.



Obtaining Reporting Tool

Construct or purchase a front-end reporting tool for report generation.



Shared Platform

A shared platform will allow users across your organisation access to the data.


Data Warehouse Set-Up

In constructing a data warehouse, it integrates and convert all your different data sources (finance, sales revenue, supply chain etc.) into a uniform format that your end users can understand and use. 

Project Coverage:

  • Software License and Database
  • Server Environment
  • Development and Integration

Business Intelligence & Analytics

Detect patterns and outliers from complex datasets through Data Visualisation

Business Intelligence has the potential to unearth a wealth of growth opportunities that were previously untapped or underserved. By converting disarrayed data into a visual context, users are more perceptive of subtle differences and outliers that will not have been noticeable in its raw form.

Transform senseless data into actionable business insights.

Detect industry trends and performance gaps

Dun & Bradstreet Singapore - Simple Overview of Data

Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation converts muddled information and data into a visually palatable format that users can better identify patterns and draw conclusions from.

The visualised data will be an effective means to aid organisational decision-making and strategy formulation.
Dun & Bradstreet Singapore - Checklist

Data Relevance

Relevant business insights and key performance indicators (KPIs) can be applied to the data to extract actionable insights in the form of a customised businesss score or other forms of business intelligence that is applicable to your organisation or industry.
Dun & Bradstreet Singapore - Overview of Data

Dashboard Enabled

The dashboard is an indispensable tool that provides an interactive and intuitive overview of the data.

The functionality of the dashboard empowers users to freely 'zoom in' or expand on the scope of their analysis by adjusting the rules and conditions on the dashboard.

Business Data to Business Intelligence

Dun & Bradstreet Singapore - Business Data to Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence converts data into information, information into knowledge and knowledge into plans – plans that can guide your organisation in conceiving effective strategies for the desired results. The interactive utility of the dashboard allows for quick KPI access, automatic reporting and ad-hoc analysis to aid corporate decision-making.

Project Coverage:

  • Relevant Software License
  • Dashboard Development
  • Dashboard Reporting

Predictive & Advanced Analytics

Predict the future through history

Harness the power of predictive and advanced analytics to predict and influence the future. By leveraging on historical data to forecast trends, it can help to guide corporate decision-making, key strategy conception and manage your risks.

The true strength of predictive and advanced analytics is in that it enables you to formulate ahead in lieu of reacting to market changes as it happens.

Forecast Trends & Predict the Future

Make strategically impactful decisions by leveraging on first-mover advantage.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Leverage on AI and ML to detect the subtlest of insights.

Risk Management & Marketing Analytics

Enlist advanced analytics to guide risk management and marketing decisions.

Getting an overview

A scorecard is a graphical representation of the progress over time toward a specified goal or goals. They are invaluable tools for organisations as it offers an overview of the current performance and the distance before the goal – information that is useful to devise appropriate strategies and make strategic decision at that precise stage. Customisable scorecards ensure higher relevance and accuracy of the insights for your business.

Heat Map:
Hot and Cold

A heat map uses a system of color-coding to represent varying values to deliver a visually intuitive graphical representation that illustrates ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ zones/spots. ‘Hot’ spots (in red) typically represents high trigger elements and vice versa for ‘cold’ spots (in blue). They are an effective tool in identifying correlation between events which can provide indispensable insights in formulating potent strategies.

Risk Analytics:
Don't roll the dice

Where instincts are fallible, reliably manage risk by using a range of techniques and tools to extrapolate insights necessary to make informed decisions. Risk management analytics quantifies, measures and predict risk with a great degree of certainty – vital to support and manage your risk exposure across your organisation.

Marketing Analytics :
Maximising your ROI

Open the doors to enhanced marketing tools using analytics.

  • Lead Scoring Model
  • Market Segmentation
  • Demand Forecast
  • Customer Churn Prevention

Gain a Competitive Advantage with Analytics

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